
Tom Parker’s widow Kelsey has paid tribute to The Wanted singer as her “soulmate” during his funeral, saying: “Marrying you was the best day of my life.” Family members, his bandmates, and other close friends attended the private ceremony at St Francis of Assisi church in southeast London. The Wanted’s Jay McGuiness, Max George, Siva
Ukrainian forces are continuing to repel attacks by Russian forces in the east of the country, the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said, as President Zelenskyy renewed calls for more military assistance.  Russia has recently started repositioning and reinforcing its troops in the east of Ukraine after failing to take control of the country’s
In this article NFLX Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, attends a press conference in Mexico City, Mexico. Hector Vivas | Getty Images Today could be a dark day for your ex-boyfriend’s brother. Netflix, the world’s largest streaming video company, warned a global crackdown on password sharing is coming. It seems like a serious warning this