
800 P&O Ferries workers fired suddenly last week are only being given redundancy pay on the condition they sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), according to the Transport Secretary. Grant Shapps told the House of Commons that the company is using the agreements to try and “keep the employees quiet” while behaving in a “shameful and unacceptable
Air Vice Marshall Sean Bell says although movements may have temporarily stalled, it doesn’t mean forces are resting. For the latest developments in Ukraine: SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok: For
Detectives investigating allegations of breaches of COVID rules in Downing Street and Whitehall have sent questionnaires to more than 100 people as they begin to interview key witnesses. Police are asking the recipients about their participation in the alleged gatherings, with seven days being given for a response. No fixed penalties have been issued so
Ukrainian forces are fighting back against Russia’s occupation of key, strategic areas of southern Ukraine. A temporary Russian base at Kherson International Airport was targeted on 15 March, leaving extensive damage to helicopters and vehicles. Videos from social media and satellite images show the aftermath of the attack. For the latest developments: SUBSCRIBE to
Wales has joined more than 60 nations in outlawing physical punishment of children. From today, any type of corporal punishment – including smacking, hitting, slapping, and shaking, is illegal under the Children (Abolition Of Defence Of Reasonable Punishment – Wales) Act of 2020. It marks the end of the common law defence of “reasonable punishment”.