WARNING: FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY FROM THE START OF THIS REPORT. Prince Harry will be at the centre of a planned High Court trial against the publisher of the Daily Mirror newspaper over allegations of phone hacking. Read more here: https://news.sky.com/story/prince-harry-to-be-at-centre-of-phone-hacking-trial-against-tabloid-newspaper-publisher-12828913 #skynews #princeharry SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: http://www.youtube.com/skynews Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/skynews
Nikolas Kokovlis | Nurphoto | Getty Images Silicon Valley Bank’s historic meltdown last week was largely attributed to deteriorating business conditions in the firm’s concentrated customer base and an ill-timed decision to invest billions of dollars in mortgage-backed securities. But long-time clients and others with intimate knowledge of how SVB operated say the bank did